The Anomally's Purple Tears

My Abyss

Secret Earth
Guides and Guided
Dreams and Love
Majickal Romance
My Abyss
Blood Red Waters

-- Backed Away --


I stood and said what you questioned.

I hoped to fill the void

that was your confusion.

You listened,

or seemed to hear at least.

When I was finished;

you backed away.

A smile upon your lips;

fear clutching your heart.

You heard what I said,

but never listened to the words.

You backed silently away,

and said no more.

You tried to smile

like an understanding was reached.

You made light,

so the reach had failed.

You silently left,

and I stood forced to wonder.

Was the question you asked

really in need of the answer I gave it.

You backed away;

a smile upon your lips,

fear clutching your heart.

You heard what I said,

but never listened to the words.

You backed silently away,

and said no more.

I said nothing as you stalked away.

Nothing passing between;

nothing left to be seen.



-- Doubt Tangles --


Fairy tales of yesterday;

playing the mind as one is crushed by the real.

Fresh tears descend;

sorrows fall like rain.

Watering the savage garden;

wetting the seeds of doubt,

planted in your mind.

Letting the vines grow and tangle;

trapped like a fly in a spiders web.

Wishing for all you had to return;

mourning the mess you encased yourself within.

The vines entangle more;

squeezing tighter they snarl about you.

Until you cease to mourn what you were,

and all that you had.

They die once you know who you really are,

and all that you have.



 -- Misery --


Thru the wind;

into the rain.

I wandered battered and bruised.

I stumbled along;

covered with my mud.

It was not pure earth,

but laced with crimson sorrows.

It smelled of the stench of my misery's tears.

I have become the gloomy days I so despise.

I reach to the sky,

and silently call for help.

For a friend;

for the thousandth man,

but never a touch befalls my icy palm.



-- Silent Tear --


Golden maned woman,

her eyes filled with sorrow.

A wilting rose in her hand.

One arm wrapped around her waist.

Blocking out the sadness or holding it in?

Only she knows.


She weeps silent tears,

she cries a silent song.

Holding her sorrows in or blocking them out?

Only she knows.


She holds her head low.

Carrying her heart in her hand

beside the rose,

it is pierced by the thorns.

Blood runs in rivers,

like her tears they both fall.

She trembles and clings tighter to herself.


Holding in her sorrows or keeping them out?

Only she knows,

and she will never tell.



--Winter’s rose--


In Winter's silence I cast myself out.

Lost in madness I sit alone;

knees held near my chest.

A lonely hug,

for a solitary me.

Held in my hands shines the winter's rose.

Its' warm glow melts the tears on my skin.

I rise and meander once more.

I stumble through the forest;

lost in my sorrow,

and driven by my hate.

The winters' rose reflects,

a kaleidoscope of colors at times.

Reminding me of the happiness,

and emotions I once had.

The wind whips cruelly at my tangled locks,

as I stumble on.

My bare feet froze.

My scared hands cold;

I collapse to die,

to fall into that deep winter slumber.

Sleep of sleeps,

that rebirths the trees in the spring.

My tears fall no more.

I gaze up through sightless eyes;

at the bare branches and the grey sky.

My arms hugging my knees to my chest;

I breathe no more.



--My Abyss--


The blur,

passed my eyes.

Raking of claws;

upon soft flesh.

Burning pain

heightened as I lie,

panting in the rain.

My blood lingers

around my lazy eyes,

as a breath brings in pain,

and its release causes more.

The cold touches like knives,

but it takes away some pain.

The night is silent as the rain falls;

silent I cry to the emptiness around me.

My voice shouts inside,

but never gets released.

Nere' an ear ventures near;

to where I lay.

Painted in watercolor red

that slowly turns gray.



I bought a journal.

It was for happy thoughts;

to this day,

it still remains empty.

Just a parting thought.

I have a piece missing;

the void consumes me slowly.

For a moment I forgot,

but then I still feel it.

That empty space,

breaking me from the inside.

The emptiness in my heart,

churning, and burning.

My permanent wound;

never to heal,

a void I always feel.

Little deaths each passing day.

My glass is empty;

to fill it is futile.

False hope,

faux joy.

It's all a lie

I fill the glass,

and someone empties it for me.

I want to break the glass.

The shards would be nice;

jagged, keen, and fine.


finite breaks.

Pour joys in and it just runs out.

My glass is empty,

but it's truely never been full.

Not really.

The filled cup is just an illusion.

Not everyone is supposed to be happy.

Guess I was tapped.

Marked with an "X".


-- Barren --


Where cowardice flows...

deep within my voice...

like the river of tears...

Running and dancing...

beneath the weeping tree...

High upon a barren limb...

I reside...

with matted wind swept locks...

and dusty saddened lined face...

I climbed this tree that I planted...

and I picked this limb at which I sit...

I look around like a hawk searching for prey...

but in my icy barren heart...

no one comes to play...



--Beginning --


At first the ackward words stumbled about;

sentences flowed clumsily.

Infant thoughts from a childs mind;

big dreams of fantasy scenes,

the plights of dragon sights.


Now the words whispered from the breezes;

drift like snow from the broken heart.

From the fissures crack,

sorrows and anger rise to the top.

Tears descend to the floor.

Words captured from these spaces by the hand;

written in ink upon the paper.

Marked like rain droplets on the pavement.



--Foolish Mind--


I felt the pressure,

your lips on mine.

Your arms enveloping me;

I felt my emotions rise.

Under that moon;

beneath those stars.

Did your feelings surface?

Or am I but a silly child,

a lonely soul.

Tricked easily by one kiss;

weak enough to crumble under a smile.

Am I fooling myself once again?

Falling like a house of cards.

Will I be left to wonder?

Left to weep?

I could not but cry;

feeling the fresh warm tears,

they are real.

But was your kiss as real as my feelings for you,

or am I just a fool in the jester's play.



-- Pain Smiles --


Rivulets on my flesh;

dark and spider web like.

A reminder of sorrows;

a memory of pain.

Etched into my sights;

scarred upon my brain.

Comforted by the night;

I weep.

The tears spill like rain;

washing away the blood of the past.

Looking to the dawn,

I am cleansed by the sun.

The mother loves her children;

embracing them when they become sad.

Warming them when they are happy,

and allowing them to float contented

when they are neither happy nor sad.





I suffer,

the past is my eyes veil.

I weep and still the images plague me.

I grasp the rose

until my hands bleed.

Pain is the only real thing

that can keep up with me.

I drink in fire;

to numb my brain.

Maybe then the sorrows and hurt,

will cease for some time.

I can't stand the cycle;

the persistent darkness.

The shattering;

the break.

Sure the sun rises each day,

but does it really rise

and grace my clouded brain.

I love and weep;

then anger then seek.





Eyes closed,

darkness a comfort.

It hides nothing,

and everything.

Unlike me

like a book.

I lie open;

my spine weak,

from the readings.

Here in the darkness;

I try to see everything,

through new eyes.

Trying to beyond,

past the old scars

of life.



~~My Fall~~


Maybe it is me,

a fortune fool.

In Life's jester show extravaganza;

set up to fall one time after another,

no stunt double here.

All the falls taken by me;

the bruises show

the cuts bleed,

then turn to scars.



feet upon my back.

Twisting the dagger in my chest;

hilt free for the grab.

The pain I can push back,

but like a drowning person

it resurfaces...

for air...

for the last laugh...

at the tears I have spent.





Arms embrace,

a heartbeat tender in my ears.

Comfort of your hand on my back.

It was too good to be true,

and it was.


My heart twittering;

my skin all a glow.

Your finger caressing my arm.

I feel as if I could fly;

too bad I'll soon fall,



I die a little inside,

each time my eyes open wide.

Open to nothing and no one.


Eternity in your eyes.

The thread that connects us.

Unspoken all feeling love.

Can it be real?

Fake in real life.

Real in my dream life.


I never want to wake up.

Is that such a bad thing?

Only one single want,

that love in my dreams.


I die a little inside;

each time my eyes open wide.

Open to nothing and no one.


To be whole in there;

not pathetic like out here.

I want to smile again.

Like I do in my dreams.

A smile so real it illuminates my core.


Return me to that make up place,

so I will not forget.

Joy and love

since those two do not seem

to live beyond these walls.


I die a little inside;

each time my eyes open wide.

Open to nothing and no one.



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